July 25th, 2003


So I'm reading at the MT Wiki about our favourite weblog saviours, Ben and Mena Trott, and turns out Mena's maiden name is Grabowski. (Er, yes?)

There is a fairly obscure reference to "Grabowski" in The Simpsons (but not obscure enough not to be listed at snpp.com). This is when Homer calls into the the DMV to inquire about a parking ticket (his car having a wheel lock, being illegally parked in between the World Trade Center towers):

Convenient voice: Thank you for calling the parking violations bureau. To plea `not guilty,' press `one' now. [Homer dials `one'] Thank you. Your plea has been...
Male rough voice: Rejected.
Convenient voice: You will be assessed the full fine plus a small...
Male rough voice: Large lateness fee.
Convenient voice: Please wait by your vehicle between 9 AM and 5 PM for
parking officer Steve...
Male rough voice: Grabowski.

Submitted by Deena Grabowski (not verified) on Fri, 2004-01-02 14:40.

We have the Simpson's episode that makes reference to "Steve Grabowski" on tape. My husband used to tape the show and caught it accidently. He has kept it all this time because his name is Steve Grabowski!

Submitted by Steve Grabowski (not verified) on Thu, 2004-10-28 14:37.

Hey, my name is Steve Grabowski and I live in Lancaster County, PA. I think that the New York Simpsons episode is the best one ever.

I saw it when it first aired September 21, 1997 and it shocked me when I heard my name, because I think the character is actually named after me, personally. I believe this because, earlier that year, I sent a letter to the Simpsons company complimenting their work over the years.

I guess they liked the letter, saw my name, and put in the episode. Maybe it was just a random full name that they chose- I don't really know.

Anyway, I've taped the episode twice since then, and I couldn't help but notice that it was not aired for a while because of the attack on the World Trade Center.

Submitted by Richard (not verified) on Sat, 2004-10-30 20:04.

That would not be out of character for The Simpsons' writers. One of my favourite episodes ever is the Worst Episode Ever episode, since it was basically the writers making fun of alt.tv.simpsons newsgroup posters who had complained about the decline in the show's quality as well as continuity goofs. It could be one of those random nonsensical things that the writers just put in there (like Homer's reference to being the first non-Brazilian to travel backwards through time in a rerun I just saw), but then, like you say, it could be an inside joke at your expense. :)

Submitted by Steve Grabowski (not verified) on Thu, 2005-04-07 02:40.

I think we should get a Steve Grabowski Club going.

What do you all think?

Steve Grabowski

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2007-01-24 11:21.

I think the idea of a Steve Grabowski Club is great lets get it going
Steve Grabowski

Submitted by JW Wagner (not verified) on Mon, 2005-05-23 08:33.

That 'first non Brazilian person ever to travel through time' was a reference to writer Carlos Casteneda. Not a non sequitor, but a very funny reference.

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